Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Man of the Moment: Nick Carter

Nick, Man of The Moment ^_^
(Artikel: interview dari Mademan.com)

We realize boy band members can come in for some mockery. But the man in this picture isn’t just the seller of 130-plus million albums worldwide. He’s a re-engineered guy who in the past few years has hit the gym, dropped 65 pounds, and beaten Justin Timberlake in an arm-wrestling match. (He also dates a fit chick.) So the week his new solo album, I’m Taking Off, drops on iTunes, we talked with the 31-year-old about video games, hair care and how guys are suckers. Dude’s got some surprisingly good advice.

MADE MAN: What item do you never leave home without, and why?
NICK CARTER: My computer. I’m a geek at heart. I always take my computer with me wherever I go. I actually have a couple with me now, a PC and a Mac. You look at me, you’d think I have my own network. I’ve got like 15 computers in my house. I’m constantly finding new information and Googling stuff. And I love playing video games when I have time. My favorites are Portal 1, Portal 2, World of Warcraft and Battlefield. I love Battlefield. I’m also a big fan of Duke Nukem.

MM: What’s your drink of choice after a tough day at work?
NC: A large bottle of water. Maybe two. And then if we’re talking alcohol, something I’d really like after a tough day is red wine. Because I think a glass or two of red wine is really good for you.

MM: What grooming, style or fitness thing can a guy do in the morning to look good all day?
NC: Here’s the thing. I’ll wake up and sometimes I won’t do anything to my hair. Maybe I’ll add a little bit of pomade. But my advice is, never go too much with the hair products. Less is best. I think you kind of have to let your hair do what it naturally wants to do. Too perfect is always unattractive.

MM: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about women, and who gave it to you?
NC: There was this one guy. I think he was like the uncle of one of our security guards. This was years ago, when I was like 16 or 17. We were in Brooklyn. And I remember we were sitting in this car, and he leaned over to me and said, “Nick, don’t ever tell a girl you love her.” Since then I’ve broken that rule, so I’m not sure if it’s good advice. But guys are suckers, they don’t listen to advice anyway.

nick carter man of the moment

MM: What can I’m Taking Off teach guys about being better men?
NC: My album comes from the sensitive side of a man. It’s about expressing yourself and not caring what people think. Because when you just let go, the best stuff comes out. With guys, it’s a fine line. You can’t be too hard, too old-school. But you can’t be too sensitive. Well, most guys can’t be too sensitive. But you have to be open with yourself. You can call it happy music if you want. I just think of it as positive pop music.

MM: What do you do when you’re tired, to pick yourself up?
NC: I’ve actually been really tired lately with all the rehearsal and travel, and trying to find new ways to get energy. So I went online, got this audio book on meditation by Glenn Harrold and started meditating. The book is 55 minutes. Within the first five minutes, I was so geeked. I had to step out of it. It was unbelievable. If you can find a way to meditate, it’s the best thing. Your brain needs a relaxation period to function properly.

MM: Speaking of books, we hear you’re a reader. Got any favorites?
NC: Kevin Richardson, an ex-member of our group, gave me a book by Norman Peale about positive thinking. I didn’t read it for like seven years. Finally I picked it up one day and got a lot out of it. For nutrition, I’ve read The All-Pro Diet and The China Study. I’m like eighty-five percent vegetarian now. Books are great. You find the right books, they can change your life. It’s just like a computer getting installed with new software.

MM: Any parting words of wisdom?
NC: The way I look at it is, I’m not wise. I want to be wise. And I strive for wisdom. So I’d say, do the same. Never think that you know everything.

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